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Code Ethics

Honesty and Integrity

At Crypto Presale, we uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all interactions with our customers, team members, and partners. We commit to transparently presenting our services and insights without exaggeration or misinformation. Our principles forbid engaging in any form of misleading or deceptive practices.

Conflict of Interest

We diligently avoid any situation that might lead to a conflict between personal interests and the obligations we owe to our users and the broader community. Our team is required to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest to ensure unbiased and objective services.


The trust placed in us by our users, employees, and partners is paramount. We rigorously protect confidential information, disclosing it only when legally obligated or with explicit permission. This commitment extends to all data entrusted to us in the course of our operations.

Legal Compliance

Crypto Presale is committed to full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing our sector. We expect every member of our team, including contractors, to be knowledgeable about and adhere to these legal standards, ensuring our business operates within the bounds of the law at all times.

Protection of Assets

The assets and resources of Crypto Presale are vital to our mission and must be protected and used responsibly. We ensure these assets are utilised ethically and exclusively for legitimate business activities, safeguarding the company’s integrity and reputation.

Diversity and Inclusion

We embrace diversity and strive for inclusion, recognizing the value and richness that different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives bring to our organisation. Discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind, especially based on age, disability, gender identity, race, religion, or sexual orientation, is strictly prohibited.

Sustainability and Responsibility

Crypto Presale is dedicated to sustainable business practices, mindful of our environmental, social, and economic impact. We aim to make decisions that not only benefit our company but also contribute positively to our community and the world at large.

Adherence to these principles is fundamental to the way we operate and is expected of everyone associated with Crypto Presale. Violations of our code will be met with appropriate disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of engagement.

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