Blockchain technology relies heavily on the functionality and roles of different types of nodes. In their essence, these nodes are the fundamental foundations for ensuring data integrity, security, and decentralized consensus across blockchain networks.
This write-up provides a comprehensive guide to the different types of blockchain nodes, their functions, and how they contribute to the overall blockchain network.
Basics of Blockchain Nodes

Blockchain nodes are the computers or devices that store, validate, and relay transactions on the network. Each node has a copy of the entire blockchain ledger, which is updated whenever a new block of transaction records is added.
Nodes play a vital role in maintaining the security, decentralization, and functionality of blockchain networks. They ensure that networks follow predefined rules and protocols agreed upon by the participants, as well as prevent malicious actors from tampering with data or creating fraudulent transactions.
Nodes are also crucial for achieving consensus on the blockchain network. Different blockchain networks use different consensus mechanisms, such as proof-of-work, proof-of-stake, and proof-of-authority, etc.- which each rely on the participation and cooperation of nodes to ensure the integrity and consistency of the blockchain public ledger.
With all that said, let’s dive deep into the different types of nodes in blockchain in use today.
Different Types of Blockchain Nodes
Below are some commonly used blockchain node types:

1. Full Nodes
A full node is a node that downloads and verifies the entire blockchain of a given network. This means that they have a complete and up-to-date transaction record of everything that’s ever occurred on the blockchain, as well as the blockchain protocols that govern the network.
Functions of Full Nodes
A full node has the following key properties and functions:
- It validates every transaction and block that it receives from other nodes.
- It keeps a complete record of the entire blockchain on its local disk, which can take up a lot of space and require a lot of bandwidth. For example, as of March 1, 2024, the Bitcoin blockchain size was over 553 GB, and the Ethereum blockchain size was over 1042 GB.
- It transmits valid transactions and blocks to other nodes, thus contributing to the network’s connectivity and resilience.
- It independently verifies the state and history of the blockchain, without relying on any third party or intermediary.
The Importance of Full Nodes in Blockchain Networks
Full nodes are important for blockchain networks for the following reasons:
- Security and Decentralization: They prevent any single node from controlling or manipulating the ledger, detect and reject invalid transactions or blocks, and preserve the blockchain’s integrity.
- User Empowerment: Full nodes allow users to verify and access blockchain data independently, enforce network rules, and reject changes not agreed upon by the network majority.
- Support for Development: They provide reliable data for developers, researchers, and users, enabling new features like smart contracts, decentralized applications, and layer-2 solutions.
Real-World Examples:
Full nodes play different roles in different blockchain networks. For instance:
- Bitcoin Core nodes are used by individuals and organizations to secure the Bitcoin network and ensure transaction validity.
- Developers and enterprises use Geth nodes to interact with the Ethereum network, deploy smart contracts, and build decentralized applications (dApps).
2. Lightweight Nodes (or Light Nodes)
Light nodes, aka lightweight or SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) nodes do not store the entire blockchain. Instead, they download only a subset of the blockchain data, relying on full nodes for transaction validation.
This means that a light node has a partial and limited copy of the protocols and transactions that have occurred on the blockchain.
Functions of Light Nodes on Blockchain
A light node performs the following functions:
- It validates only the transactions and blocks that are relevant to its own activity and adds to the overall Byzantine fault resistance of the blockchain.
- It stores only a fraction of the blockchain on its local disk, which can save a lot of space and require less bandwidth. For example, the size of a light node can be as small as 4 GB.
Limitations of Light Node
Light nodes depend on other nodes – especially full nodes – for verifying the state and history of the blockchain. This means that a light node can also be influenced or misled by other nodes if they provide false or malicious data.
Differences Between Light Nodes and Full Nodes
- Storage Requirements: Light nodes require significantly less storage than full nodes.
- Validation Process: Light nodes rely on full nodes to verify transactions, which can be less secure but more efficient.
- Processing Speed: Light nodes are faster, but less secure than full nodes.
Use Cases and Advantages
Light or Lightweight nodes are useful for the following scenarios:
- They enable the participation and inclusion of users and devices that have limited resources, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, or IoT electronic devices.
- Light nodes can also run on low processing power and low-cost hardware, thus reducing the environmental and economic impact of the network.
- They facilitate the access and interaction of users and applications with the blockchain by providing a fast and convenient way of sending and receiving transactions and data.
- They complement the role and function of full nodes by increasing the network’s scalability and performance.
- Light nodes can also reduce the network’s congestion and latency, thus improving the network’s efficiency and reliability.
Real-World Examples
- MetaMask is a browser extension wallet that acts as a light node for Ethereum, allowing users to interact with the blockchain without downloading the entire ledger.
- Bitcoin users employ Electrum – a Bitcoin wallet that works as a light node – for quick and easy access to their funds and transaction history.
3. Mining (or Miner) Nodes
A mining node is another common type of Blockchain node that participates in the process of creating new blocks on blockchain networks that use proof-of-work consensus algorithms.
This means that a mining node has to solve a complex mathematical puzzle called a hash function, which requires a lot of computational power and energy.
Functions of Mining Nodes on Blockchain
Miner nodes have the following characteristics:
- They compete with other mining nodes to find a valid solution to the hash function, which is based on the previous block’s hash, the current block’s transactions, and a random number called a nonce. The first mining node to find a valid solution is called a proof-of-work, which broadcasts it to the network and claims the right to create the new block.
- They create the new block by adding the proof-of-work, the transactions, and other metadata, such as the timestamp and the block number. The new block is then appended to the blockchain and propagated to the network.
- They receive a reward for creating the new block, which consists of two parts: a fixed amount of newly minted coins, called a block reward, and a variable amount of fees paid by the transactions included in the block, called a transaction fee.
- The reward structure incentivizes the mining nodes to secure the network and process the transactions.

Role in Blockchain Mining
Mining nodes play a crucial role in blockchain mining:
- They secure the network by making it difficult and costly for anyone to tamper with the blockchain or create a fork. The hash function that the mining nodes have to solve is designed to be hard to compute but easy to verify, which means that it requires a lot of resources to find a valid solution, but it is simple to check if a solution is valid.
- This creates a high level of difficulty and competition among the mining nodes, which ensures that only the most honest and powerful nodes can create new blocks.
- The proof-of-work that the mining nodes provide serves as cryptographic evidence that they have invested a lot of work and energy into creating the new block, which makes it more trustworthy and authoritative than any other block.
- They validate the transactions by including them in the new blocks, whilst verifying that they comply with network rules and don’t contain any errors or inconsistencies.
- The mining nodes also check that the transactions are not double-spent, which means that the same coins are not used more than once.
- By validating the transactions, the mining nodes ensure that the blockchain reflects the true and accurate state of the network, and that the users can trust the transactions and the data on the blockchain.
- They incentivize the participation and cooperation of the network by rewarding the mining nodes for creating the new blocks and processing the transactions.
- The reward that the mining nodes receive serves as motivation and compensation for the resources and energy that went into securing and validating the network.
- The reward also creates a positive feedback loop. When more mining nodes join the network, the more secure and efficient the network becomes, which attracts more users and transactions. This, in turn, increases the value and demand of the network’s native currency, which we saw happen during the early days of Bitcoin.
Real-World Examples
- Mining farms and individual miners use different Antminer devices to secure the Bitcoin network and earn mining rewards.
- Miners join Slush Pool – a Bitcoin mining pool – to increase their chances of earning Bitcoin rewards by contributing to collective mining efforts.
4. Pruned Full Nodes
Pruned full nodes, as the name suggests, are special types of full nodes. This is because they store the entire blockchain initially, but then delete older data, keeping only the most recent transactions. This allows them to maintain the blockchain’s security without the need for extensive storage.
Differences from Archival Full Nodes
- Storage Efficiency: Pruned full nodes require less storage compared to archival full nodes.
- Data Retention: Pruned nodes do not retain the full history of the blockchain, only the most recent data.
Benefits of Using Pruned Full Nodes
- Reduced Storage Needs: Pruned nodes are suitable for participants with limited storage capacity.
- Security: Pruned nodes still validate transactions and contribute to the network’s security.
Real-World Examples
- Bitcoin Core can be configured to run in pruned mode, storing only the most recent blockchain data while discarding older blocks.
- Ethereum users opt for pruned nodes – such as a pruned Geth node – to save on storage while still validating transactions and participating in the network.
5. Validator Nodes
Validator nodes are the nodes responsible for participation in the process of reaching a consensus on a blockchain.
They use a proof-of-stake or similar consensus mechanism, meaning that a validator node has to stake a certain amount of coins – called a stake – as collateral or a deposit, in order to prove its commitment and honesty to the network.
Functions of Validator Nodes in Blockchain
A validator node has to take care of the following function:
- Propose new blocks by collecting and ordering the transactions that it receives from other nodes. It also adds other metadata, such as the timestamp and the block number. The proposed block is then broadcast to the network for validation.
- Validate the proposed blocks by checking that they comply with the network rules, and that they do not contain any Byzantine fault or inconsistencies.
- Verifies the stake and the identity of the proposer node, to ensure that it is eligible and authorized to create the new block. If the proposed block is valid, the validator node signs it with its digital signature, which serves as a proof-of-stake. The validator node then sends its approval and signature to the network.
- Receive a reward for proposing or validating the new blocks, which consists of two parts: a fixed amount of newly minted coins, called a block reward, and a variable amount of fees paid by the transactions included in the block, called a transaction fee. This reward incentivizes the validator nodes to secure the network and process the transactions.
Real-World Examples of Validator Nodes
- Bitcoin, Cosmos and Polkadot networks rely on validator nodes to maintain their proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms, as well as to ensure network security.
6. Authority Nodes
An authority node has a special status and power on a blockchain network.
It uses a delegated or federated consensus mechanism, meaning that an authority node is either elected or appointed by the network (or central authority) to act as a representative or leader of a network.
Functions and Characteristics of Authority Nodes
An authority node has to take care of the following:
- Propose new blocks by collecting and ordering the transactions that it receives from other nodes. It also adds other metadata, such as the timestamp and the block number. The proposed block is then broadcast to the network for validation.
- Verify the identity and the legitimacy of the proposer node, to ensure that it is authorized and qualified to create a new block. If the proposed block is valid, the authority node approves it and signs it with its digital signature, which serves as a proof-of-authority.
- Receive a reward for proposing or validating the new blocks, which consists of two parts: a fixed amount of newly minted tokens, called a block reward, and a variable amount of fees paid by the transactions included in the block, called a transaction fee.
Role in Governance and Control
Authority nodes perform the following roles in governance and control.
- They secure the network by making it fast and reliable for anyone to create and validate new blocks. The authority nodes are selected or assigned based on their reputation, performance, or affiliation, which ensures that they are trustworthy and competent to act as the network’s representatives or leaders.
- The proof-of-authority that the authority nodes provide serves as cryptographic evidence that they have the network’s consent and support to create or approve of a new block, which makes it more trustworthy and authoritative than any other block.
- They validate transactions by including them in the new blocks and verifying that they comply with the network rules, as well as that they don’t contain any errors or inconsistencies.
- Like Mining nodes, they also check that the transactions are not double-spent.
- By validating the transactions, authority nodes ensure that the blockchain reflects the true and accurate state of the network, and that the users can trust the transactions and data on the blockchain.
- They govern and control the network by making and enforcing the decisions and policies that affect the network’s operation and development.
- The Authority nodes also have the authority to change network rules and protocols, upgrade network software and features, resolve network conflicts and disputes, and regulate the network in general.
Real-World Examples
- Hyperledger Fabric uses authority nodes to manage its permissioned blockchain network, ensuring that only authorized entities can participate in the consensus process.
- Financial institutions use Ripple’s network for fast and secure cross-border payments, which relies on authority nodes for transaction validation.
7. Archived Nodes (AKA Archived Full Nodes)
An archival or archived node stores and provides the entire history of the blockchain of a given network. In that sense, it is a full node, but with the added capability of storing historical blockchain states locally.
This means that an archival node has a complete and up-to-date copy of all the transactions and data that have ever occurred on the blockchain, as well as the intermediate states and changes that have resulted from each transaction and block.
Functions of Archival Nodes on Blockchain
An archival full node has the following functions on the blockchain:
- It stores the entire blockchain database on its local disk. This can take up a lot of space and require a lot of bandwidth (even more than Full nodes).
- Provides the entire history of the blockchain to other nodes or users, who may request it for various purposes, such as auditing, analysis, research, or development.
- Depends on other nodes, especially full nodes, for updating and verifying the current state and history of the blockchain, by trusting that they provide accurate and honest data.
Importance in Data Storage
It goes without saying that archival nodes are vital for data storage.
- They preserve the data on the blockchain by keeping a permanent and immutable record of all the transactions and data that have ever occurred on the blockchain.
- And not just that, they also store data of any intermediate states and changes that have resulted from each transaction and block.
- By preserving the data, archival nodes ensure that the blockchain is transparent and traceable, and that the data is not lost or corrupted over time.
- They provide the data on the blockchain by making it available and accessible to other nodes or users.
- They complement the role and function of full nodes and light nodes, by increasing the network’s data storage space and availability. They can also reduce the network’s data retrieval and synchronization time, thus improving the network’s efficiency and reliability.
Real-World Examples
- Ethereum archival nodes store the entire history of Ethereum transactions and smart contracts, making them essential for applications requiring comprehensive data access.
- BigchainDB offers a blockchain database that can act as an archival node, preserving extensive historical data for various applications.
8. Master Nodes
Master nodes are special types of nodes that use a masternode-based consensus mechanism for performing additional duties and permitting extra benefits on a blockchain network.
This means that a master node has to meet certain requirements, such as holding a minimum amount of coins, providing a minimum amount of resources, or having a minimum level of reputation, in order to actually qualify and register as a master node.
Functions of Master Nodes in Blockchain Networks
These crypto nodes are responsible for the following functions:
- Besides block validation, storing, and transmitting data, they provide other services, such as governance, privacy, or instant transactions, depending on the network’s design and features.
- The additional duties that a master node performs vary from network to network, but they usually involve a higher level of responsibility and complexity than regular nodes.
- Some master nodes are also capable of instant transactions, as well as voting on network governance decisions.
Limitations of Master Nodes
Master Nodes depend on full nodes for updating and verifying the state and history of a blockchain, by trusting that they provide accurate and honest data. A master node can therefore be influenced or misled by other nodes if they provide false or malicious data.
Real-World Examples:
- Dash network uses master nodes to facilitate instant transactions and private transfers, providing enhanced functionality and earning rewards for node operators.
- PIVX employs master nodes to secure its network and facilitate private transactions.
9. Super Nodes
A super node is a node that has a high degree of connectivity and centrality across blockchain networks that use a peer-to-peer (P2P) network topology. This means that a super node connects and interacts with many other nodes on the network, further acting as a hub or bridge for the network’s communication and information flow.
Functions of Super Nodes in Blockchain
- Connects with many other nodes, directly or indirectly, by maintaining network links and channels.
- Discovers and joins new nodes while monitoring and managing existing ones.
- Transmits large amounts of data by sending and receiving network messages and signals. The super node also filters, prioritizes, aggregates, and disseminates data on the network.
Limitations of Super Nodes
Like Master and Light nodes, Super nodes also depend on full nodes for updating and verifying the state and history of the blockchain. A super node can therefore be influenced or misled by other nodes if they provide false data.
Real-world Examples:
- TRON uses super nodes, also known as super representatives, to validate transactions and produce blocks in its delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus.
- NEO employs super nodes to maintain its network’s operations, ensuring high throughput and reliability.
10. Lightning Nodes
Unlike all other types of nodes, a Lightning Node connects and interacts with the Lightning Network – which is a layer 2 solution that enables fast, cheap, and scalable transactions on top of the Bitcoin blockchain.
Functions and Characteristics of a Lightning Node
- It enables fast, low-cost transactions by processing them off-chain, only to then settle on-chain later on.
- It connects to the Lightning Network by installing and running Lightning protocol software. The Lightning Node also creates a unique public key and opens payment channels with other Lightning Nodes, which are secured by smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain.
- It transmits payments on the Lightning Network by routing them through the best available path of channels, based on the channel capacities and the fees charged by the nodes along the way.
- Verifies and settles payments using a cryptographic technique called onion routing, which ensures the privacy and security of blockchain transactions.
- It receives payments on the Lightning Network by generating and sending a payment request, called an invoice, to the payer’s node. The Lightning Node also confirms and acknowledges the payment when it arrives, and updates its channel balance accordingly.
Advantages and Features
- They enable cheap, scalable, and faster transactions on the Bitcoin network, by bypassing the network’s limitations and costs.
- Lightning Nodes can process thousands of blocks of transactions per second, with minimal fees and instant confirmations. This is also done without sacrificing the trustlessness and decentralization of the Bitcoin network.
- They support smart contracts and applications on the Lightning Network, by providing a programmable and interactive environment for users and developers.
- Lightning Nodes can execute various functions and operations based on pre-set parameters and conditions, such as time-locks, multi-signatures, atomic swaps, and so on.
- They contribute to the development and innovation of the Lightning Network, by participating and cooperating with other Lightning Nodes.
- They can vote and decide on the network’s proposals and changes, such as its rules and protocols, software and features, and fees and rewards.
Real-World Examples
- Bitcoin users leverage Lightning nodes (developed by companies like ACINQ) for micropayments and real-time transactions.
11. RPC Nodes
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) nodes serve as interfaces for developers and applications to interact with blockchain networks. They process API requests, which enable external systems to read from and write to the blockchain, meaning these nodes are essential for dApps and other blockchain-based services.
Specialized Functions of RPC Blockchain Nodes
- Development Support: RPC nodes are crucial for developers, as they provide the necessary endpoints for interacting with blockchain networks without needing to run a full node themselves. This can significantly reduce the development overhead and streamline the integration of blockchain functionalities.
- Performance: RPC nodes often handle high volumes of requests, and need to be optimized for performance to ensure fast and reliable responses. Companies like Infura and Alchemy provide scalable and robust RPC node services to meet the demands of high-traffic dApps.
- Security: While RPC nodes simplify blockchain interactions, they also introduce potential security risks. This means that ensuring secure communication and protecting against malicious attacks is paramount, as many RPC providers implement advanced security measures, including rate limiting, IP whitelisting, and encryption.
Real-World Examples
- A popular RPC node provider Infura offers scalable and robust RPC services for the Ethereum network. Infura allows developers to connect their applications to the Ethereum blockchain without needing to run their own nodes.
- Another leading provider, Alchemy, offers advanced infrastructure and developer tools, including high-performance RPC nodes for Ethereum and other blockchain networks.
12. Edge Nodes
Edge nodes operate at the network’s periphery, often deployed in IoT (Internet of Things) environments. They provide decentralized computing power and storage closer to the data source, reducing latency and improving efficiency.
Benefits of Edge Nodes:
- IoT Integration: Edge nodes are particularly beneficial in IoT networks, where vast amounts of data are generated by devices. By processing and storing data locally, edge nodes reduce the need for constant communication with central servers, leading to lower latency and bandwidth usage.
- Decentralized Applications: Edge nodes support decentralized applications that require real-time data processing, such as smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation. By leveraging edge nodes, these applications can operate more efficiently and responsively.
- Scalability: Edge computing enables blockchain networks to scale more effectively by distributing the computational load across numerous nodes. This approach enhances the overall resilience and robustness of the network.
Real-World Examples
- Helium uses edge nodes, known as “Hotspots,” to provide decentralized wireless network coverage for IoT devices. These Hotspots act as edge nodes, facilitating communication between IoT devices and the Helium blockchain.
- IOTA focuses on enabling secure sales and trading of data streams, particularly in IoT ecosystems. The platform’s Tangle technology utilizes edge nodes to enhance scalability and efficiency for IoT applications.
13. Staking Nodes
Staking nodes are used in proof-of-stake blockchains, where participants lock up a certain amount of cryptocurrency to become validators. These nodes are essential for maintaining the network’s security and operations, which is reflected in the rewards that they earn for contributing.
Characteristics & Features
- Transition to PoS: Networks like Ethereum are transitioning from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake in order to improve scalability and reduce energy consumption. Staking nodes play a crucial role in this transition, by providing a more sustainable and efficient consensus mechanism.
- Incentives and Rewards: Staking nodes earn rewards based on their staked amount and participation in the network. This creates a financial incentive for participants to act honestly and maintain the network’s integrity.
- Decentralization and Security: By requiring validators to stake their assets, proof-of-stake networks incentivize good behavior and discourage malicious activities. This approach enhances both the decentralization and security of the network.
Real-World Examples
- Ethereum’s transition to a proof-of-stake model (i.e. Ethereum 2.0) involves staking nodes that validate transactions and propose new blocks. Here, participants stake ETH to become validators and earn rewards for securing the network.
- Cardano uses staking nodes in its Ouroboros PoS protocol. Here, stakeholders can delegate their ADA to staking pools operated by staking nodes, earning rewards based on the pool’s performance.
- Polkadot’s Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) system relies on validators (staking nodes) to secure the network. Validators earn DOT rewards for their participation and contributions.
14. Operator Nodes
Operator nodes manage the operational aspects of a blockchain network. They oversee node configurations, enforce network policies, and ensure the overall health and performance of the blockchain.
Additional Information and Analysis
- Network Maintenance: Operator nodes are responsible for maintaining and upgrading the blockchain infrastructure. This includes applying software updates, monitoring network performance, and troubleshooting issues.
- Policy Enforcement: They ensure that network policies and protocols are adhered to, maintaining consistency and reliability across the blockchain.
- Enterprise Use Cases: Operator nodes are particularly important in enterprise blockchain deployments, where maintaining a stable and secure network is critical. Organizations use operator nodes to manage private or consortium blockchains, ensuring that they meet business requirements and regulatory standards.
Real-World Examples
- In permissioned blockchain networks like Hyperledger Fabric, operator nodes manage and maintain the network infrastructure. These nodes handle configuration, policy enforcement, and network monitoring, in order to ensure smooth operations.
- IBM’s enterprise blockchain solutions use operator nodes to manage network configurations, security settings, and compliance requirements.
15. Relay Nodes
Relay nodes facilitate communication between different blockchain networks. They are essential for interoperability, as well as for enabling data and assets to move seamlessly across multiple blockchains.
Benefits of Relay Nodes
- Cross-Chain Interoperability: Relay nodes are crucial for enabling cross-chain functionalities, such as asset transfers and data sharing between different blockchain networks. This interoperability expands the utility and reach of blockchain technology.
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi): In the DeFi ecosystem, relay nodes enable cross-chain liquidity pools, decentralized exchanges, and other financial services. By connecting different blockchains, relay nodes enhance the liquidity and functionality of DeFi platforms.
Real-World Examples
- Polkadot uses relay nodes to connect its various parachains, enabling cross-chain communication and interoperability.
- Cosmos employs relay nodes in its Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, allowing different blockchain networks within the Cosmos ecosystem to interoperate and share information.
- As a decentralized liquidity network, Thorchain uses relay nodes to enable cross-chain swaps and liquidity pooling. This allows users to exchange assets across different blockchains seamlessly.
The Importance of Nodes in Blockchain Networks
Blockchain nodes are integral to the operation of blockchain networks. Here are three key reasons why nodes are important:
- Maintaining Network Security
- Nodes validate transactions and blocks, ensuring that only legitimate transactions are added to the blockchain.
- By participating in consensus mechanisms, nodes help prevent double-spending and other fraudulent activities.
- Ensuring Data Integrity
- Nodes store and propagate blockchain data, ensuring that all network participants have access to the same information.
- Full nodes store the entire history of blockchain transactions, providing a reliable and tamper-proof record.
- Supporting Decentralization
- The distributed nature of nodes ensures that no single entity has control over the entire network.
- Nodes facilitate peer-to-peer interactions, removing the need for centralized intermediaries.
Type of Blockchain Nodes – FAQ
How many nodes are there in the Ethereum blockchain?
As of writing this piece, Etherscan is tracking 6,445 Ethereum nodes. However, the number of nodes in the Ethereum blockchain varies over time.
What factors should be considered when choosing a node type for blockchain participation?
Consider factors such as storage capacity, computational power, security requirements, and specific use cases when choosing a node type. For example, full nodes offer high security and data integrity, while light nodes are suitable for devices with limited resources.
What are the benefits of running a full node?
Running a full node offers benefits such as enhanced security, full validation of transactions, and contribution to the network's decentralization. Full nodes maintain the entire blockchain history, ensuring data integrity and providing a reliable foundation for other nodes.