Understanding Crypto Farming - Ways To Farm Crypto
3 Jan 2024 by Harry Newman 8 min read
Understanding Crypto Farming -  Ways To Farm Crypto

Farming crypto - commonly known as yield farming or liquidity mining - has become an important part of participating in the DeFi sector, as it can be used as a method for users to earn rewards for staking or lending their cryptocurrencies. 

Farming crypto involves locking up cryptocurrencies to receive rewards. These rewards can be in the form of transaction fees, interest from borrowers, or additional tokens.

Here will look into the intricacies of how to farm crypto, the various platforms that facilitate it, and the strategies and risks involved in this innovative financial practice.

The Basics of Farming Crypto

Knowing how to farm crypto is important, as it involves locking up cryptocurrencies to receive rewards. As previously mentioned, rewards then come in the form of transaction fees, interest from borrowers, or additional tokens. 

Although primarily prevalent on the Ethereum (ETH) network due to its robust DeFi ecosystem, the ability to farm crypto has expanded across various other blockchains such as Solana (SOL) and Binance Smart Chain (BNB). In turn, there are now many blockchain networks that offer diverse opportunities for earning passive income. 

How Crypto Farming Works

Users add their crypto to a liquidity pool, which others use for trading, borrowing, or lending.

Alternatively, they might stake their crypto in a protocol to earn rewards, often contributing to the network's security or governance.

In return, participants farm crypto rewards, usually derived from transaction fees or token distributions.

Through these opportunities to earn a passive income, crypto farming has gone on to attract both seasoned investors and DeFi newcomers.

Key Components of Farming Crypto

Crypto farmers actively engage with various DeFi platforms, ranging from decentralised exchanges (DEXs) to lending and borrowing platforms.

The process is predominantly facilitated through liquidity pools found in AMMs. Users provide liquidity to these pools by depositing a pair of tokens, which then enables trading on the platform without traditional market makers. The liquidity providers earn rewards from trading fees and sometimes additional tokens.

By participating, users contribute to the liquidity and functionality of these ecosystems through facilitating operations such as token swaps, loans, and yield generation.

Here’s some key components to consider when trying to farm crypto: 

  • Yield Optimisation Strategies: Savvy users often employ strategies to maximise returns from farming, involving moving assets between pools or platforms to take advantage of the highest yields. This might involve leveraging, where users borrow additional funds to increase their staked amount, amplifying potential returns (and risks).

  • Liquidity Pools & AMMs: In AMMs, prices are determined algorithmically rather than through an order book. This model relies on user-provided liquidity pools for each token pair. Liquidity providers (LPs) deposit an equal value of two tokens in a pool and receive LP tokens representing their share. As trading occurs, a portion of the transaction fees is distributed to LPs based on their pool share.

  • Staking and Rewards: Staking typically involves locking up a cryptocurrency to support network functions in a PoS blockchain. In DeFi, staking often secures the protocol - where in return, users are given rewards. These rewards can be variable or fixed, depending on the protocol's design, and might include additional utility or governance tokens, which can enhance the influence of a user who is staking crypto in the ecosystem.

  • Yield Farming Strategies: Yield farming strategies often involve staking or lending assets to receive rewards, which can then be continuously compounded. Advanced strategies might include ‘crop rotation’ - wherein assets are frequently moved between protocols to capture the best yields - as well as ‘leveraged farming’ which uses borrowed funds to amplify potential returns.

Choosing the Right Platform for Farming Crypto

Selecting the right platform for farming crypto depends on a variety of factors, including the user's risk tolerance, asset preference, and desired level of involvement. 

Here are a few considerations:

  • Look into the platform's history, audit records, and community feedback.

  • Higher yields might come with increased risks. Assess the sustainability of the returns and the platform's security measures.

  • Choose platforms that support the cryptocurrencies you wish to farm with.

  • Consider the ease of use, customer support, and educational resources provided by the platform.

By staying informed and cautious, users can navigate the rich landscape of crypto farming platforms and potentially enjoy substantial returns on their digital assets. 

It's always recommended to diversify your farming activities across different platforms and strategies to mitigate risks and capitalise on various opportunities within the DeFi ecosystem.

Popular Platforms to Farm Crypto

The decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem offers many different platforms where users can engage in farming crypto, each with distinct features, supported assets, and incentive structures. 

As the DeFi space evolves, these platforms continually adapt and innovate, presenting users with various strategies for earning returns on their digital assets.

A list of the best places to yield farm crypto can be found here.

Ethereum-Based Protocols

  • Uniswap: Uniswap is synonymous with DeFi, known for its user-friendly interface and wide adoption. Users can become liquidity providers by contributing to pools and earn a portion of the trading fees. Participation may also yield its native UNI token, enhancing governance participation and potential future rewards.

  • Compound: Users can lend out their cryptocurrencies and earn interest, with rates fluctuating based on supply and demand. Lenders and borrowers receive COMP tokens, which can increase their yield and provide voting power in the protocol's governance.

Binance Smart Chain-Based Protocols 

  • PancakeSwap: Known for offering some of the higher yields in the space, particularly attractive for those farming with its native CAKE token. Beyond traditional swapping and liquidity provision, PancakeSwap offers lotteries, NFTs, and other innovative features. As part of Binance Smart Chain, users often enjoy lower fees compared to Ethereum-based platforms.

  • Aave: Originally Ethereum-based, Aave has expanded to multiple chains, increasing accessibility and options for users. Offers various lending and borrowing services, including stable and variable interest rates. Holding AAVE can provide discounted fees, enhanced borrowing capacities, and governance participation.

Solana Based Protocols

  • Raydium: Offers unique fusion pools for liquidity providers, combining yield farming and staking rewards. Leverages the Serum DEX order book, offering users access to a wider range of assets and liquidity. Participants can earn RAY tokens, which can be further staked or used in governance decisions.

  • MarginFi: Allows users to engage in margin trading strategies within the Solana ecosystem, opening up possibilities for leveraged positions in yield farming, and potentially amplifying returns (and risks). The protocol focuses on creating a user-friendly interface and experience, lowering the entry barrier for individuals new to margin trading and DeFi in general. MarginFi emphasises community involvement and decision-making, allowing users to help shape the platform's development and strategic direction.

Benefits and Risks of Farming Crypto

By understanding these pros and cons of how to farm crypto, individuals interested in farming crypto can better navigate its complexities and make informed decisions.

As with all investment opportunities, due diligence, continuous education, and risk management are key to optimising the benefits while minimising potential drawbacks.


  • Passive Income Streams: Users can earn a steady stream of income through rewards like transaction fees, interest from lending, or additional tokens.

  • High Yield Potential: Farming crypto can sometimes offer significantly higher yields compared to traditional savings or investment options, especially during periods of high network activity and demand for liquidity.

  • Access to DeFi Innovations: Participants get exposure to the forefront of financial technology, utilising complex strategies and instruments unique to the DeFi ecosystem.


  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: The reliance on smart contracts exposes users to potential bugs or exploits that can lead to the loss of funds.

  • Market Volatility: The inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies can lead to fluctuating and unpredictable returns, and in some cases, significant losses especially when asset prices move unfavourably.

  • Regulatory Uncertainty: The rapidly evolving and often ambiguous regulatory environment around cryptocurrencies and DeFi can pose risks related to compliance, taxation, and the legality of certain activities.

Final Thoughts 

As blockchain technology advances and the DeFi sector matures, ways to farm crypto are likely to evolve. This might come through more sustainable reward mechanisms, improved security features, or greater integration with traditional finance. 

Additionally, regulatory developments will also play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of farming crypto.

In conclusion, crypto farming has emerged as a pivotal element in the DeFi revolution, offering users a way to earn passive income while supporting the liquidity and functionality of various platforms. While it presents lucrative opportunities, it also comes with its set of challenges and risks. 

By understanding the mechanisms, staying informed, and strategically participating, individuals can navigate the world of farming crypto to enhance their digital asset portfolio and participate in the ever evolving DeFi ecosystem.

Ways to Farm Crypto - FAQ

How much can I earn from farming crypto?

Earnings from farming crypto vary widely based on the assets involved, platform chosen, market conditions, and strategies employed. It's important to research and calculate potential returns and risks.

Is farming crypto safe?

While there are ways to farm crypto that can be profitable, it still involves risks such as impermanent loss, smart contract vulnerabilities, and regulatory changes. Using reputable platforms and keeping informed can help mitigate these risks.

How do I start farming crypto?

To start farming crypto, choose a reputable DeFi platform, understand its reward mechanisms and risks, provide liquidity or stake your assets as required, and monitor your investments regularly for changes in rewards or conditions.

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